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what was lost中文是什么意思

用"what was lost"造句"what was lost"怎么读"what was lost" in a sentence


  • 失去的东西
  • 失去了什么
  • "what"中文翻译    adj. 1.〔疑问〕什么;多少。 W- books h ...
  • "lost"中文翻译    adj. 1.失去了的;丢失了的;错过的,放过的。 2. ...
  • "what if the child is lost" 中文翻译 :    即使…又有什么要紧; 如果…将会怎样
  • "but never forgets what i lost" 中文翻译 :    但决不会忘记我们所失去的; 但我从没忘记 我所失去的; 我也没有忘记,那些曾经丢失的东西; 我也永远不会忘记我所失去的
  • "regain what has been lost" 中文翻译 :    挥戈返日
  • "have we lost their trust (what about us)" 中文翻译 :    我们是不是已失去它们的信任
  • "what a pity to have lost such a nice pen" 中文翻译 :    好好儿一支笔丢了真可惜
  • "be lost" 中文翻译 :    丢失了; 迷路; 失漏; 失群; 遗失,流失
  • "be lost in" 中文翻译 :    埋头于,迷失在……中
  • "be lost on" 中文翻译 :    对…不起作用
  • "be lost to" 中文翻译 :    不再属于,不注意,漠然视之; 不再属于所有
  • "lost" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.失去了的;丢失了的;错过的,放过的。 2.输掉的;失败的;打败了的。 3.浪费了的,白费的。 4.不知所措的,为难的。 5.遭难的;死去了的。 6.迷路的;入迷的,忘我的,忘乎所以的。 7.被忘却的;失传的。 a lost advertisement 遗失广告。 (the) Lost and Found 失物招领处。 a lost battle 败仗。 cry out lost and terrible words. 喊出绝望和可怕的话。 lost labour 徒劳。 a lost opportunity 错过的机会。 a lost prize 没有争取到的奖品。 lost time 浪费掉的时间。 A soldier was lost in him. 他可惜没有成为战士。 a lost child 迷路的孩子。 feel lost不知所措。 a lost ship 沉没了的船。 a man lost in thought 想得出神的人。 a lost art 失传的艺术。 a lost city 湮没无闻的城市。 be lost on [upon] 对…不起作用 (My kindness is lost upon him. 我对他好也没用)。 be lost to 感觉不到…;不再来,已不可能 (be lost to sight 看不见了。 be lost to shame 恬不知耻。 Hope was never lost to him. 他从来没有绝望过)。 Get lost ! 〔美俚〕走开! 别打扰我! give sb. up for lost 认为某人已死,认为某人不可救药。 lost in astonishment [wonder] 惊异万分。 lost of wits 无能的,老迈昏庸的。 What's lost is lost . 〔谚语〕失者不可复得。
  • "lost of" 中文翻译 :    大量,很多
  • "lost or not" 中文翻译 :    lost不论灭失与否
  • "lost to" 中文翻译 :    败给
  • "the lost" 中文翻译 :    失落者; 失踪的人
  • "and then what" 中文翻译 :    又怎么办
  • "and what not" 中文翻译 :    诸如此类, 等等; 诸如此类,等等; 诸如此类,等等
  • "but what" 中文翻译 :    而不..
  • "but what it is" 中文翻译 :    但,那是什么
  • "not but what" 中文翻译 :    虽然..., 除非..
  • "what" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.〔疑问〕什么;多少。 W- books have you read 你读过什么书? What's the matter 发生了什么事? 怎么啦? W- news 什么新闻? W- money have you got 你手头有多少钱? 2.〔感叹〕多! 多么!真! W- a fool you are! 你多笨! What a genius he is! 他真是个天才! 3.〔关系形容词〕 Give me what paper you don't use. 把你不用的纸给我。 Little did he foresee what a difference this would make. 他做梦也未曾想到这件事会有这么大的影响。 what countryman 哪国人 (W- countryman is she 他是哪国人?) what price 什么价钱 (W- price gold 黄金何价?) what time 在…的时候 (= when, while) (W- time I am afraid, I will trust in thee. 我感到害怕时将求助于你)。 what way 如何 (= how) (W- way was she drowned 她是怎样淹死的?)。 pron. 1.〔疑问〕什么,什么东西[事情];怎样的东西[事情];怎样的人;做什么的人,什么人;多少。 W- is he 他是什么人〔问职业、身分、籍贯等〕。 W- like is he 〔方言〕= W- is he like 他是怎样一个人? W- of him 他怎么啦? W- is the fare 车[船]费是多少? W- is your name 你叫什么名字? W- 什么? W- of it 怎么了? 有什么问题? What's eating you 〔美俚〕你有什么麻烦事? Come what will [may], I am prepared for it. 不管发生什么事,我已经下定决心了。 I know what. 我有一个主意。 I'll tell you what. 我告诉你该怎么办吧;我来告诉你是怎么回事吧。 2.〔感叹〕 W-! are you late again 什么,你又晚啦? W- ho! 啊,喂。 3.〔关系〕(所)…的 (= that [those] which, the thing(s) which, anything that)。 W- I say is true. 我(所)说的是真话。 Do what you please. 做你喜欢做的吧。 4.〔关系〕〔引导插入句〕 He said it, and, what is more surprising, he did it. 他那样说了,更意外的是,他还做了。 5.〔表示另有下文或其他可能性等〕 Shall we go or what 我们是去呢还是…? 6. 〔英国〕〔征求意见〕好不好?是不是? Come tomorrow, what? 明天来,好不好? An unusual chap, what? 一个了不起的家伙,是不是? ★此种用法中的 what 为一虚字,无实际意义,且均置于句末。 and what not 诸如此类,等等 (He called me fool and what not. 他骂我是傻瓜还骂我这一类的许多话)。 but what 〔用于否定句〕 1. 不 (Not a day but what it rains. 没有一天不下雨。 Not a man but what likes him. 没有一个人不欢喜他)。 2. 除非;不…的 (Use no arguments but what you believe in yourself. 不要用你自己不相信的论证)。 ★ but what 与 but, but that, that ... not 等意义相同,但较不常用。 for what they are 本来面目。 not but what 见 not 条。 So what 〔口语〕那又怎么样呢? 〔表示不高兴不重视等〕。 what about ...? 〔征求意见、询问消息等〕 1. …好不好? 2. …怎么样了? (W- about bed 睡觉去,好不好? W- about the boys 那些小伙子怎么样?)。 what for 1. 为什么,为何种目的 (W- for 为的是什么?为什么?)。 2. 〔方言〕哪一种 (W- for tobacco are you smoking 你抽哪一种烟)。 3. 〔俚语〕 = whatfor. (or) what have you 〔美俚〕等等。 what is called 所谓。 what is more 加之,而且〔插入语〕。 what it takes 〔美俚〕成功的必要条件。 what's what 〔口语〕事情的真相,事物的道理 (know what's what 很懂事;有鉴别力)。 adv. 怎样,多少。 W- does it benefit you 它是怎样使你受益的? W- he has suffered! 他吃了多少苦头啊。 what between ... and (what between) = what with ... and (what with), 见 with 条。 = as much as. He helps me what he can. 他尽所能地帮助我。
  • "what are these" 中文翻译 :    这些东西是做何用; 这些是什么
  • "what for" 中文翻译 :    为何目的, 为什么, 惩罚, 责备; 为了什么
  • "what if" 中文翻译 :    “若...则” 的评估方式; 即使。。。又有什么 如果。。。怎样; 切合目前情况的; 如果……将会怎么样; 如果……将会怎样,即使…又如何; 如果…将会怎么样,即使…又有什么关系; 什么如果; 倘若 怎么样?; 倘若…将会怎样 / 即使….又有什么要紧; 倘使…将会怎样; 万一


  • What was lost in mirth was fully made up in decorum .
  • What was lost is given back to him : his daughter s child
  • For the son of man came to seek and to save what was lost
  • It ' s sad to think about what was lost in the fire at alexandria
  • Diligent study by thralsin alchemists and craftsmen managed to restore much of what was lost
  • With this sort of streamlining , building new , re - engineered facilities may actually prove cheaper than rebuilding what was lost
  • The whole gospel of luke can be summarised in these words jesus spoke ? “ the son of man came to seek and save what was lost ” ( 19 : 10 )
    路加福音的精神可以归纳成耶稣的一句话, “人子来,为要寻找拯救失丧的人” ( 19 : 10 ) 。
  • what was lost in all of that was that he got it going whenthey were down by 18 points . the other amazing part was that hedidn ' t get tired at the end
  • In cases of hypovolemic shock , of which there are thousands every year , physicians try to stanch bleeding or other fluid loss and administer blood or saltwater , or do both , to replenish what was lost
用"what was lost"造句  


What Was Lost is the 2007 début novel by Catherine O'Flynn. The novel is about a girl who goes missing in a shopping centre in 1984, and the people who try to discover what happened to her twenty years later.
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